On the tab Installed, click button Modify next to the version of Visual Studio you need the English language pack for: To do so, run the Visual Studio installer (the same one you used to install this version of VS ? ). If you are still here, you probably need to install English pack. As you can see in the picture below, I wasn’t the lucky one here ?. (in Polish: Narzędzia -> Opcje -> Środowisko -> Ustawienia międzynarodowe), Tools -> Options -> Environment -> International Settings If you have many languages installed, you simply go to the I’m 100% sure, the future me will thank myself for this :D. So, I decided to write a short tutorial how to do it. Of course, I realized that mistake after installation and I had to spend way too much time on finding the solution for this problem (yeah, that’s weird, I know). I installed Visual Studio 2019 RC recently and accidantely forgot to select English as default language.